Is it been a long time since you've gotten a good night's sleep? Are you someone suffering from lack of sleep with scores of days and nights passing by? If this is the case, chances are that you might be suffering from sleep disorder. If your condition is getting out of hand, you must see the best neurologist in Delhi, before it's too late.

What are sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders generally obstruct your normal sleeping patterns. A person who suffers from sleep problems has issues with the quantity, irregular timings, and quality of sleep that they get each day. The amount of sleep that a normal adult needs is 7-8 hours per day, without getting sufficient sleep, a person may face long-term health repercussions or even chronic diseases.

The role of the brain in affecting the sleep cycle

Several substances in your brain transmit signals to your cells that influence how they function. Neurotransmitters are a type of chemical that influences our level of alertness or sleepiness. Our brain should release the right chemicals to encourage relaxation as we prepare for bed.

Sleep Disorders with Treatment Options

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives, contributing to our overall health and well-being. However, for many people, getting enough restful and restorative sleep is a daily challenge. These disorders can significantly impact various aspects of life, including daytime functioning, mental health, and overall quality of life.

According to a neurologist in South Delhi, there has been a staggering rise in the number of people suffering from sleep disorders. It can be zeroed in into the following types:-

One of the most common sleep disorders is insomnia, which is diagnosed by difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing non-restorative sleep. Stress, anxiety, drugs, or medical issues can contribute to it.

Treatment options

  • Improving sleep hygiene practices
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)
  • Short-term usage of sleep medications under medical supervision.


Narcolepsy is a neurological disease in which the brain's capacity to regulate sleep-wake cycles is impaired. Narcolepsy causes severe daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and vivid hallucinations.

Treatment options

  • A combination of lifestyle adjustments, scheduled naps, and medications such as stimulants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or sodium oxybate.

Obstructive sleep apnea

This disorder is characterised by interruptions in breathing during sleep leading to a staggering sleep quality and daytime fatigue.

Treatment options

  • Continuous positive airway pressure therapy: Wearing a mask that delivers a constant stream of air that helps in keeping the airway open during sleep.
  • Devices that help the airway open by repositioning the jaw or tongue.
  • Lifestyle changes: weight loss, positional therapy, and avoiding alcohol or sedatives.
  • Surgical interventions for severe cases


Parasomnias are characterized by encountering abnormal experiences during sleep.

Treatment options

  • Improving sleep hygiene by creating a sleep conducive environment.
  • Addressing any underlying condition or mental health conditions.
  • In some cases, behavioural therapies may be prescribed.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome is characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs, often accompanied by an irresistible urge to move them. Symptoms typically worsen during periods of rest or inactivity, leading to sleep disturbances.

Treatment options

  • Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and avoiding substances like caffeine and nicotine.
  • Medications, including dopaminergic agents and anti-seizure medications, can also be prescribed to manage symptoms.

What are the risks associated with insufficient sleep?

The signs of rattled sleep include:- lying down in bed for an extended period of time without any sign of sleep, bouts of random waking up in the middle of the night or getting up too early in the morning, with just 3-4 hours of sleep.

It is generally observed that people facing disturbed sleeping patterns have a negative impact on the daily functioning of their everyday activities and running errands. According to the best neurologist in south Delhi, the impacts are both long-term and short-term. Some of them include:-

  • Risk of diabetes, obesity, and depression
  • Problems with learning
  • Emotional conflicts in relationships
  • Drowsiness
  • Traffic accidents

If you think that you are almost on the verge of developing a sleep disorder, it is time to consult a top neurologist in Delhi, who could make a proper diagnosis and analysis of your condition and recommend the best possible treatment.

Visit the best neurology doctor in Delhi

If you are having trouble sleeping, it's high time that you go consult the best neurologist in Delhi. At Salubritas, Dr. Kadam Nagpal holds expertise and deals with all conditions related to neurology and neurological disorders. His 20+ years of work experience makes him come under the top 10 neurologist in Delhi. Get the best possible treatment at Salubritas. Book your appointment today.

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